What’s the point?

I’m sharing all the latest news on drug policy, drug reform, and relevant info on the legal system and prosecution.

I’m doing this because drug policy affects everything. Although difficult to estimate, the government is thought to spend around $1.7 billion each year on drug law enforcement. The estimated social cost of drugs like tobacco, alcohol, opioids, and methamphetamine is thought to be a staggering $171 billion.

Despite these figures, drug usage is on the rise while availability and purity of drugs is also increasing. This is not to mention the suffering, poverty, and injustices caused by our failure to address drug policy properly.

Join academics, journalists, lawyers, doctors, activists, politicians, and the interested to stay up to date on what’s happening across the country.

This mailing list is curated by freelance writer, Jack Revell.

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A weekly wrap-up of the latest drug policy related news from across Australia.


Freelance writer DrugsWrap.Substack.com Twitter @JRevellious